Senin, 21 Mei 2012

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Stress Coping Strategy Against Learning Difficulty toward Students of Islamic Senior High School (MAN 1) of ______________ 158

Learning is one of human activities that is important, because through
learning, human being is able to know everything. But, in reality, human being
sometimes finds some difficulties in his learning activity. This learning difficulty
is also able to happen to everybody to everybody, such as students of MAN 1
All of students of MAN 1 ______________ are possible to face learning difficulties
on any lesson, such as English Language (39,51%), Arabic Language (30.39%),
Mathematic (19,08%), and other lesson (10,48%). This learning difficulties are
caused by many things. Some of them are they cannot manage the time, between
playing and studying. The learning facilities that are not appropriate for them,
there are some students that want to join in some school programs but they do not
have appropriate skill, they do not like to some lessons, and the condition of the
body that does not support. This learning difficult behavior can cause certain
effects such as report mark decreasing and they cannot continue to the next class.
This learning difficulties become one of triggers continuing the makes
students stress. To face this problems, students are hoped to be able to control one
of factors that they have that is emotion. Daniel Goleman states that this emotion
control is named by emotional intelligence. This emotional intelligence can be
used for choosing one of states coping strategy. Based on those explanation, the
researcher likes to conduct the research about the relationship between emotional
intelligence and stress coping strategy toward students of MAN 1 ______________.
This research is correlative quantitative research that used 111 students of
MAN 1 ______________ as the sample of the research by using stratified proportional
random sampling method. The research instruments are questionnaire and
interview. Questionnaire is used to measure emotional intelligence, problem
focused coping strategy, and emotional focused coping strategy. The data analysis
form used product moment with SPSS for windows 14.0 helping.
From the result of the research, there are positive relationship between emotional
intelligence and stress coping strategy that show with correlation co-efficient
mark (Rxy) about 0,344. There are three kinds of relationship between emotional
intelligence and stress coping strategy, such as high emotional intelligence
disposed to have relationship between high emotional focused coping strategy,
while emotional intelligence seems to have relationship between medium problem
focused coping strategy and low emotional intelligence seems to have relationship
with low emotional focused coping strategy.

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