Senin, 21 Mei 2012

The Relationship between Self Efficacy and Need for Achievement toward Students in the Third Class of Islamic Junior High School of ______134

Achievement is the one of important thing for the education process. Based on
these, Junior High School of ______prepares the specific treatment for the students
in third class to make their achievements higher than before. But there are many factors
cause the achievement. According to Bandura, efficacy beliefs contributed to
accomplishments both motivationally and through support of strategic thinking.
Perceived self efficacy and need for achievement, therefore is a better than achievement
Based on those explanations, the researcher likes to conduct the research about
the relationship between self efficacy and need for achievement toward students in the
third class of Islamic Junior High School of Surya Buana.
This research is correlative quantitative research that used 56 students of third
class in Junior High School of ______as the sample of the research by using all of
the population. The research instruments are questionnaire and using documents.
Questionnaire is used to measure self efficacy and need for achievement. The data
analysis form used product moment with SPSS for windows 11.05 helping. From the
result of the research, there are positive relationship between self efficacy and need for
achievement that show with correlation co-efficient mark (Rxy) about 0,547

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